After ProcellaCOR treatment photo | Jones Lake Management
Before ProcellaCOR treatment photo | Jones Lake Management

Watershield covered the surface of this lake, limiting boating and fishing. A ProcellaCOR treatment effectively restored access to the water for boats and recreation.

In small sections, this floating aquatic plant offers shade and shelter to fish, frogs, turtles, and other aquatic animals. Unfortunately, water shield spreads aggressively and can quickly cover the entire water surface. Once the surface of the water is covered, it prevents light penetration - and subsequent oxygen production - and limits gas transfer with the atmosphere. At this site, the widespread water shield growth around the piers restricted boat access. After reviewing options with the property owners, our biologists determined ProcellaCOR was the best treatment. Its minimal impact on non-target plants, and long-lasting effects made it a cost-effective option for property owners.