Species 1/4 Acre 1/2 Acre 3/4 Acre 1 Acre 1 1/2 Acre 2 Acre 3 Acre
Fathead Minnows 20 lbs. 20 lbs. 30 lbs. 40 lbs. 50 lbs. 75 lbs. 100 lbs.
Golden Shiner Minnows 10 lbs. 15 lbs. 20 lbs. 25 lbs. 40 lbs. 50 lbs. 75 lbs.
Package Total $479.70 $559.65 $799.50 $1,039.35 $1,364.10 $1,811.25 $2,435.75

Supplemental Forage Fish Stocking


THE SUPPLEMENTAL FORAGE FISH STOCKING includes a combination of fathead minnows and golden shiner minnows. 

  • Forage fish readily spawn throughout the spring and early summer
  • Helps maintain a healthy fish population
  • Allows gamefish to devote less time to seeking out prey
  • Helps gamefish grow larger & spawn more successfully
  • Forage fish reduce insect larvae
  • Stock spring and fall to sustain an adequate forage base

In the spring and fall, Forage Stocking participants receive a courtesy call or email as a reminder that it is an ideal time to supplement the pond with additional forage fish. There is never any obligation to continue a forage stocking. Sign up below to become a member of our Forage Stocking Program.